
at m pavilion

The world's premier Journey tribute band- live in concert at M Resort!


Celebrated for their uncanny ability to recreate the legendary sound, energy, and passion of one of rock's greatest bands, VOYAGE has earned a reputation as the ultimate homage to Journey's timeless music.

Event and venue info

What you need to know before the show

Doors Open: 7 p.m.

Dress Code: Casual clothing.

Parking: Free parking is available in the West lot and parking garage. Valet parking is also available.

Ticket Purchase and Pick-up:  On the day of the show, tickets can be picked up or purchased at Player Services after 9 a.m., or at the box office on the casino level, next to Vue Bar after 5 p.m.

Age Restrictions: A ticket is required for all ages.

Outside Drinks/Food: No outside food or beverages allowed. Beverages will be available for purchase inside the venue.

Venue Restrictions: No glass/weapons, large purses, oversize bags or backpacks, chairs or blankets, vapes or audio/visual recording devices allowed. Personal belongings are subject to search. Complete list of restricted items will be posted at the entrance the day of the show.